What You Need to Know Before a Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance is a flexible form of alternative financing that provides you with a lump sum of cash in exchange for a future claim on credit card receipts. It can be ideal for businesses that take direct...

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15 Management Tips to Save You Time

Time is a precious resource. It is limited and non-renewable. Success for executives and managers requires good time management. This is especially true for small business owners who may have high expectations, fewer resources, and many functional "hats" to...

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The Benefits of Outsourcing HR Tasks

It has been rightfully said that people are the heart and soul of a business. Even so, human resources management in an organization can be complex, challenging, and time-consuming with all its elements and requirements. Thus, many businesses today...

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6 Benefits of Commercial Loans

There's nothing more frustrating to an entrepreneur than seeing a terrific business opportunity—and being unable to take advantage of it. When you need ready funding to fulfill your business potential, consider a commercial loan. Commercial loans can help your company:  •...

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