The Basics of CMBS Conduit Loans

Also known as conduit loans, Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security (CMBS) loans are used to purchase commercial property. These are usually packaged into a trust – Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) – before they are sold to investors on a...

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Why You Need SWOT Analysis for Your Business

SWOT is an acronym for a form of business analysis. It helps you figure out where your company stands in four key areas: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The former two are internal factors, while the latter two are...

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Why Affordable Multifamily Real Estate Endeavors Work

Multifamily real estate properties pay-off and are a viable source of profit for many investors. Those buyers that are not interested in serving as a landlord to prospective tenants may find that hiring a management team or on-site supervisor...

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How Small Business Owners Can Use Excel for Accounting

For many years, Excel has helped business owners manage their accounting, especially those smaller businesses which don't have complicated business processes. It seems the world has grown far more complicated in recent years, however, and you might be wondering...

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